Thank you!
First and foremost, this work and these offerings are my way of honouring the gift that is Ayurveda and saying thank you to her many wayshowers and wisdom keepers that have come forward over the past few years.
Ayurveda is a 5000+ year old consiousness based healthcare system and wisdom tradition, cognised by the Great Sages of ancient India and passed down through family lines by Vaiydas and indigenous lineage holders. I thank those that have kept this wonder intact and protected within their everyday life, culture and traditions.
My experience with Ayurveda has been a journey by way of wonderful teachers, practitioners and authors that have devoted their lives in service to this vast knowledge base.
A special thank you to Dr Deepika Rodrigo, one of the leading Ayurvedic Physicians in the West and the teaching staff at The Ayurvedic Institute UK for imparting their 25+ years of wisdom and practice.
Even though Ayurveda is not indigenous to me and my lineage, all I can say is that it feels like home and a part of me.
These offerings are an expression of my gratitude and love for this ancient science, as Ayurveda was the sweet unassuming catalyst that shifted everything for me.
My journey has been profound and started simply and innocently, by wanting to “fix” my insomnia as I tried an Ayurvedic spiced milk one night before bed. Since then, I have been led down an ever expanding path of self-discovery, healing, remembrance and self-love.
It is therefore, my joy to share the wisdom that I have embraced and embodied with the hope that it will support your journey inward, as you descend into your body to discover and attune to the wisdom that is innately held within your being.
I have heard that there is the belief that Ayurveda chooses you - and not the other way around. So, if you are curious, or hear the call - trust that this journey is meant for you and I encourage you to open the door!
NOTE: Please see ‘Onward Exploration’ - to discover a few of the people, places, podcasts, books, resources and organisations that have taught, guided and inspired me throughout these last few years, if you want to journey further afield.