Change Doula
Embracing change
A seasonal immersion to support your bio-energetic integrity, elemental fluctuations and ever-changing nature.
This work brings light to areas of struggle or discomfort that you may have put up with for years. We have normalised seasonal allergies, flu season and dread gaining the “winter weight”, whilst Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D) affects as many as 1 in 20 people in the UK.
We explore seasonal shifts and changes within your internal landscape, home/personal life and wider relational environments. I will take your astrological “pulse” and get a read on how the planetary shifts and energetics may be impacting you, in order to widen the lens so that we can join dots and make greater meaning through a multidimensional lens.
You will learn how to hear to your body’s unique seasonal language, embrace your ephemeral nature and be your own change doula - hand-holding your fear, struggle, discomfort, attachment and doubt in times of transition or change.
This work is part teaching, part exploration as well as practical attunement. We will create a seasonal plan that will include Ayurvedic recommendations on food, diet, self-care and day-to-day routine adjustments for you to implement straight away to help harmonise your internal environment and needs amidst the external demand for change.
We also explore ritual and harnessing the energetics of the current season, to help shift undesirable or stagnant energy within your body, relationships, at home and in your working environments.
I am offering an intimate and personalised space, where we will break through patterns of seasonal distress, discomfort, dis-ease and resistance to change
We will have a 2.5hr session that will be part teaching, part exploration and part personal attunement - placing you in the centre of it all.
We will explore the ways in which you can practically and energetically attune to the current season and integrate Nature’s wisdom and beauty into your everyday life.
6-weeks later we will meet up again for a 1 hr mid-season check-in where we can face challenge, review, refine and discuss what is opening up for you.
This is for you if you:
Find a specific season of the year physically, mentally or emotionally challenging
Suffer from seasonal allergies, discomfort or express undesirable symptoms at specific times of the year
Feel it is time to let go of an outdated version of yourself and need help shifting into a new season mentally, physically or emotionally
Have recently changed jobs, started a new business, ended a relationship or lost a loved one and need help navigating this change
Are on the precipice of making a huge change, but fear and the unknown are keeping you from taking the first step.
£555 - pay in full
£290 x 2 month payment plan
£205 x 3 month payment plan
2.5 hr seasonal teaching & attunement session
1 hr mid-season check-in
A personalised seasonal attunement PDF post-session
Email access to me for follow up questions
I am currently offering in-person sessions across the South of the England, stretching from Bristol and Bath, through Wiltshire, Berkshire to London.
Sessions are designed to be intimate, cosy and held in-person within a private studio space that will be chosen depending on your location.
Can you deliver in-person sessions at my home - instead of in a studio?
Yes, this is an option and something we could discuss on a discovery call. The home/gathering space would need to be clean, cosy and free from clutter - and most importantly free from other people and distraction for the duration of our session.
What if I don’t know my exact birth time (for birth chart and astrological insight)?
This is not a problem! If we cannot draw upon your individual birth chart we can focus on the wider planetary and cosmic shifts that are affect us as a collective and impact us all on a personal level.
What if I need to re-schedule a session?
Only in the event of an emergency can we cancel a session last minute and you may be asked to cover the cost of the studio/space hire. If not an emergency and when enough notice is given (at least 1 week), we should be able to reschedule with more ease!
Can we do the sessions online?
Right now, I am not offering online sessions. I want to prioritise in-person meet ups, human connection/contact - and hugs. For me this is where the magic is. Subscribe to my newsletter and if I do decide to open up space online, then you will be the first to know.
Do you offer refunds?
Refunds are possible if we have not started sessions. Full refunds when at least 10 working days notice is given. Partial 50% refund is given when at least 5 working days notice. Once sessions start no refunds are available. Please note that sessions are non-transferrable, but if the timing is not right then postponing is always an option!
My wish for you is to:
Bring seasonal discomfort, dis-sease and stuckness to an end…
Get to know a more diverse, multifaceted and seasonal you
Become intimate with Nature, her seasons and understand how she moves through you
Harness the power, energetics and beauty of Nature when you work with her
Explore root causation for seasonal disorders, discomfort or patterns of struggle and distress
Learn how to practically support your unique, ever changing bio-energetic expression
Learn how to align your personal, work and family life with the season
Reframe your relationship with change
Tend to grief, transition and closing doorways whilst embracing new beginnings
Start to become curious about who you are becoming…
“Stop demanding the same strength and
productivity from yourself year-round.
As the nights become longer and colder,
grant your body the rest it's too often denied.”