Your invitation to:

Embodied Time

3 months 



Your body

A 3-month initiatory journey for women and a return to cyclical time through the body.

Signature offering and foundational teachings that set you up for continued work and embodiment pathways with Rosanna Marie.

On this first leg of the journey, the seeds I wish to offer are simple and initiatory, but - they are the keys to profound alchemical change once received. 

These sessions are rooted in the Ancient Science of Ayurveda, which provide the foundational teachings and language.

As women, we rediscover the beauty, ease and intelligence of our Solar, Elemental and Lunar design, learning how to become stewards to our experience as “Embodied Time".

Through this journey, it is my intention that you come back into relationship with your body, to heal and start to reclaim your cyclical nature. 

This is the chance for you to “reset the clock” on physical, mental and emotional imbalances and learn how to support your unique bio-energetic expression through your feminine being.

Once this wisdom takes root, it will continue to bloom, grow and support you as you move through everyday life - from within.

Like pandora’s box when unlocked, there is no going back. The same can be said for this work, once we start unlock your unique bio-energetic codes and the ability to see - a whole new life path unfolds and version of you emerges.

It is the body that reveals truth - and this work empowers and gifts women with the wisdom to come back into relationship with their body, to hear the body speak and remember the real being and expression beneath the dis-ease, conditioning, roles, responsibilities, mental chatter and distortion.

A radical reclamation awaits.

Who are you?

an individual SEEKING:

a business SEEKING:

"I am so grateful for the 
knowledge and light 
that she shares, which is a
 true gift for anyone on a healing
  and self-discovery journey
I could not recommend working
  with her more." - Rochelle

are you ready to see yourself through a whole new lens?

Reach out and let’s talk.